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​"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
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Baby Barn (12 -17 months)


Infants grow and learn every day.  Around the Clock Child Care Center provides a safe and nurturing “home away from home” where infants can explore and make new discoveries.  Young children learn through play, and we are designed to provide infants with skills that serve as building blocks for a lifetime of learning.  We appreciate you trusting us with your infant’s care and education, and we’re committed to making this first transition away from home easy and natural for you and your baby.


​Toddlers & Twos

Our Toddlers and Twos are busy! Throughout the day, they do art projects, play dress up, do puzzles, read plenty of books, run around outside, sing songs, eat lots of healthy food, and so much more while having FUN and LEARNING through PLAY. And of course, a major goal of our two year old classroom that every parent looks forward to: potty training!


YOUNG SPROUTS Farm to Childcare Project

The Toddlers and Twos participate in our Young Sprouts Farm to Childcare Project. The purpose of the project is to teach young students about the importance of farming, to grow your own fruits and vegetables, to care for the earth and to eat healthy.

Young children are natural gardeners. They are curious and like to learn by doing, and like to play in the dirt. They will learn to connect with nature, do something real with tangible results, and enjoy both the process and product.


Hint: Search for Team Nutrition and The Two Bite Club for GREAT ideas on encouraging your preschooler to eat Healthy!


Classroom Goals

Summarizing all we do can be tough, but these are the general areas we emphasize:

1. Large Motor Skills

2. Color Recognition

3. Problem Solving

4. Social / Emotional Development

5. Creative Arts and Expression (ie: Art and Dance)

6. Phonological Awareness

7. Shape Recognition

8. Cause and Effect

9. Self Sufficiency and Independence

10. Small Muscle Skills

11. Language and Communication

12. Encourage Healthy Eating

13. Potty Training




Threes and Pre-K (ages 4 and 5)
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We are a Texas School Ready certified center!

Our preschool students learn SO much! Our teachers work extremely hard to prepare your child for Kindergarten. Both the Pre-K, 3 year old, and 2 year old classrooms are involved with the Texas School Ready! Project which allows us to provide so many wonderful things for our young students. This project is a comprehensive preschool teacher training program combining a research based, state adopted curriculum with ongoing professional development and progress monitoring tools. We also benefit from associated materials to create an active and engaging environment where your child can learn through PLAY.


In addition to the material assets, your child’s teachers have

attended over 58 hours training last year which included classes on:

  • Building Vocabulary

  • Phonological Awareness

  • Letter Knowledge

  • Effective Read Alouds

  • And SO much more

  • ​

They will continue their education throughout the upcoming year. They will also have a mentor who comes into the classroom to give them pointers and ideas and helps them set goals to become highly trained and effective teachers.

We are so proud to have your child be a part of our Pre-K program as a great foundation for their continuing education.


Feel free to visit the following link to learn more about our curriculum.




Important Reminders:

  • Please have your child to class on time. Morning Curriculum Session begins at 8:30 am!

  • We have fun and may get messy. Bring your child in old comfortable clothes and athletic-type shoes.

  • Kids love and NEED outdoor play. We go outside every day that is over 40 degrees and not raining. Please dress them accordingly.

  • Children must be fully potty trained to enroll in our Threes and Pre- K classrooms. 

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Ms. Tina teaching math to her younger Pr
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For more information, call 325-655-2797 or come by and see us at 12 S Emerick in San Angelo, TX.

Also click here        to check out our Facebook Page.

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